If you have upgraded your iPhone OS to the new iOS4, you may experience a sudden exit when using txtAgif app. iOS4 has changed something is killing txtAgif :(
After selecting an animation for the list, you will see the details for the animation. Then tap on Related or Show More By to view another list of related animations. When you tap on the back button to go back to the previous page, the app will suddenly quit. This is a small but irritating bug. We are now investigating and will fix this in our new version for iOS4. Otherwise, txtAgif works fine in iOS4 and you can still continue to get your "animation" fix.
Our new version (which should be out soon) will take advantage of the new features available in iOS4, e.g. fast-app switching. It will make txtAgif even better!
BTW, we now have 5000+ animations in txtAgif. Wow! Next target 10,000 animations.
iOS4 is killing txtAgif :( Sudden death app